
Please provide feedback on how SPS can improve your experience working with us, or how a member of our team has exceeded your expectations by visiting our:


Please note: this portal is for feedback only.  All time-sensitive SPS workflow requests (i.e. account setups, ETRs, invoices) should be emailed to, or call (509) 335-2058.

If you would like to submit feedback anonymously, please contact Craig Parks, in the Provost’s Office, at, and he will make sure SPS receives your feedback.


Jira Workflow Status Key:

Pending Review: The ticket has been created and is awaiting assignment to an SPS staff member.

Assigned: The ticket has been assigned to an SPS staff member for review. 

Under Investigation: An SPS staff member is working to resolve your ticket.

Pending External Feedback: Your feedback has been reviewed and it has been determined that your request will require input from offices outside SPS. The request will remain in this status until SPS is able to take action again.

Canceled by Customer: The customer has requested that a previously submitted ticket be canceled.

Resolved: An SPS staff member has resolved the ticket and it requires no further action.

Closed: The ticket is automatically marked as closed following resolution.