News and Announcements

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May 2023 News/Announcements

Fiscal year-end cutoff dates and the year-end memo’s for physical inventory and receivables.  These can also be found on our website below:

Reminder Fiscal Year Ending is coming up!

SPS still has various positions open. Please check the HR listings

Space Survey Update-  WebSpace has officially launched as of 4/20/2023 and is ready for you to get started!! Here is some helpful information for you:

  1. Link to WebSpace:
    1. Login in: WSU email address
    2. Password: Your WSU OKTA password
  2. Resources and Tools on WebSpace:
    1. Recordings from both sessions have been uploaded to the home page
    2. Training documents are uploaded under Help
    3. There is a template under Management tab that can be used to request input from faculty. The form allows the PIs or faculty to account for one room at at time. This is a great way to start gathering occupancy information from PIs while the coordinators start with the space inventory. (Sample is attached)
  3. WebSpace Information:
    1. Unpaid occupants will show up as using the UNP function
    2. Floor plans are uploaded so that departments will see their applicable floor plans when they log in
    3. Functions can be clicked on for detail and definitions
    4. Additional attributes (4 attributes as requested by Space Management) are available for departments to update
    5. Email server has been setup so that emails can be generated via the system
  4. The target completion date for the space survey and inventory is June 2, 2023
  5. The primary contact for questions or concerns is the SPS Space team at
    1. This will be the fastest way to receive a response to your questions!
    2. As needed, we will coordinate with Maximus and WSU Space Management to respond to your inquiries.
    3. If a lot of you are asking the same question, I will send the question and response to the whole group in case it benefits all of you.

Reminder-   Efforts MUST be certified within 60 days after the effort certification process is initiated as late certification is a compliance issue that could lead to loss of funding.

Effort remaining uncertified 60 days after the effort certification process is initiated for any period may be subject to administrative review and result SPS inactivating the relevant grant worktag(s) to preclude further expenses from being charged to the affected projects until all effort is certified.

FALL 2021            02/20/2022

SPRING 2022      07/26/2022

SUMMER 2022   10/30/2022

FALL 2022            03/24/2023v